dr k g balakrishnan
It was the Guru which proclaimed:
“It's The Light!”
Let us reminisce about
The Manthra “Lead me Light!”
The Guru, the Concept Omnipresent
The Space as the quantum and the quest
The conjure elastic unending thirst
Igniting my thrilling thought
Never a person a thing neither
Nor the worldly view, viewer.
It is the Vision vast wide an' deep
The Time only would have a peep!
The Guru, the Spring Blossoming
The Scientific Thinking un-weathering!
The Non-Dual the Guru spelled the Feel
The Penultimate, if there would one Seal
The Guru the Micro-Macro which does conceal
Nil but console the eminent intuitive impulsive Role!
The Guru the Rhythm the Tone an' Tune
Tempered prompt into the concord fine
Illumination of the intima does shine
As this septa- color-magic merging to be One!
The Guru= guru is a phenomenon hence “the Guru”
The Mantra=hymn; chant
Quantum=Physics-discrete amount of energy proportional to
the frequency of radiation it represents
Quantum mechanics
The penultimate=last but one