DR.k g balakrishnan
Turning round and round,
Day-night, spell by spell
The lucid core the Light
Energizing to the Ultimate
Giving birth to the Dawn anew
And to the Dream tranquilizing,
-To the Doom the damn the Past.
Lengthening to the length,
Measuring the Measured,
The unmeasured and the Measure
In vain, waving to the Wave,
To the Longitude of the Infinite,
The Magnitude Indefinite the Full,
Shining as suns billions- seen
More an’ more, unseen-in seen-
Sightseeing, the Source less, the Source
Ultimate, the Selfsameness the Dark, the Torch
The Tune mute, the Dumb eloquent, me the grief
Thee the Fragrance, the Touch remote to my fingertip
My teardrops dissolving to the earth, becoming
The Time the Lie!
Me the virtual;
The Alert, the Dream,
The deep deep Sleep,
The Thureeya!
Revolving round an’ round
Thee-as the planet earth!
Note-The Thureeya=the fourth state in the life-death cycle,
A state beyond wakefulness, dream and sleep,
The individual soul’s merging with the universal soul.
Dr.k.g.balakrishnan:-Well known Malayalam poet, essayist.10 collections of poems to his
Credit, latest (2011) being AGNIGEETHAM—upasanakandam.Writing poems and essays
in leading periodicals.Practising Geriatric Physician(Modern Medicine).Studied at Cailicut
Mdical College.Native of Kaippamangalam,Thrissur Dist.Now residing at Kattoor 680702.
Mob-9447320801.e-mail drbalakrishnankg@gmail.com
This poem THE AXIS is from ‘The Waves of the Ganga’’-collection of English Poems
By dr.k.g.balakrishnan (to be published by 2012.)